CANCELED DUE TO WEATHER monthly meeting february 6, 2025

GARDEN JEOPARDY Program at Camp Cochipianee.

  • 10:15am Board Meeting
  • 11:30am Members’ Monthly Meeting
  • 12:30pm Brown Bag Lunch (bring your own)
  • 1:00pm Program “Garden Jeopardy” presented by Renee Marsh. Marsh is an advanced Master gardener, garden designer, horticulturist and flower farmer. Her passion is to encourage, coach and teach everyone to garden and create healthy ecosystems. She is a former head gardener for the town of Monroe and co-founder of Hilltop Blooms – growers and sellers of unique perennials, shrubs and cut flowers.
    *This program is at 1:00 and is open to the public, the fee for non-members is $10.00.